2011 was the "7th more deadly year of tornadoes in U.S. history" according to government records and WOWT news. And Omaha Remodeling Associates owner, Craig Broadstone, was interviewed for an article about how safe rooms help save lives during a tornado. Safe rooms are constructed out of materials recommended by FEMA and are generally more secure than a basement during a tornado. As the article says:

"If you know what you're doing, I think any competent builder could build one," said Craig Broadstone, owner of Omaha Remodeling Associates. Broadstone says he's helping people build safe rooms into existing foundations for not a lot of money.
"If you wanted to build something on a lower level you could actually make it into a multipurpose room. You could build it into a bathroom, steam room or a sauna, and make it safe enough to withstand a direct hit by a tornado," Broadstone explained.

As a bonus, safe rooms add to the value of a home. According to a study from the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, although they are designed to provide protection in extreme weather, tornado safe rooms actually increase the sale price of a home by 3.5% - an 84% return on a safe room investment! And safe rooms aren't just for tornados. They can provide a safe place to weather many kinds of natural disasters, home invasions, and burglaries. Check out the infographic below on the topic.

To get peace of mind for your family and increase the value of your home with a safe room, contact us today.